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Sidney High School
Sidney cheerleaders pose in two rows with pink pom poms.
Jacket Pride

Sidney Cheer brings all the pep and pride! 


FFa proves dedication to leadership, service, and excellence lead to growing success.

Marching band students have fun.
Pride of Sidney

Nothing beats the sounds of the Pride of Sidney Marching Band on a Friday night in the fall! 

6 high school girls and 6 high school boys stand on risers on a football field, all wearing sashed that say Homecoming Court
2024 SHS Homecoming Court

Celebrating our seniors through time-honored traditions. 

Cross Country

SHS & SMS students can take part in a variety of extra-curricular activities including Cross Country. 

SHS Football runs out on the field
Jacket Pride
Sidney High School

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Sidney High School Gymnasium

At A Glance

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Total Students

Sidney High School has more than 900 students in grades 9-12. The average graduating class size is 235. 


Upper Valley Career Center

An average of 100 juniors and seniors attend Upper Valley Career Center for career tech education each year. Additionally, Sidney High School partners with UVCC to offer a variety of Career Center satellite courses on campus. 


Extra-Curricular Activities

Students have a wide range of extra-curricular and co-curricular activities between sports, marching band, and clubs. 


College Credit Plus and AP Courses

Sidney High School offers its students  25 college credit plus and advanced placement courses, allowing students to take and earn credit for college-level courses while staying at Sidney High School. Some students are able to obtain an associate's degree in tandem with their high school diploma. 

Senior Voices

Senior Voices is a writing project of SHS English Teacher, Sara Olding. 
"Experiences matter. They shape us, change us, and help us understand the world. This year, in Senior English at Sidney High School we spent time reflecting on how our experiences have helped us grow. Students have considered how they are a reflection of their relationships with family and friends. They have considered the places they’ve been, the problems they’ve solved, the disappointments they’ve rebounded from, and the moments they’ve celebrated. They have not only reflected on these big moments, but they have also considered how smaller moments have mattered too. They recognize how we become a reflection of the music we listen to, the books we enjoy, the movies we quote, and the social media we choose to engage in or leave behind. Experiences matter. The Class of 2024 has been sharing their experiences through published articles in the Sidney Daily News. Now those articles are being shared on our school website and social media platforms. I hope you enjoy listening to their voices as much as I do."
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