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Sidney High School offers a variety of clubs and activities for our students to participate in. Check them out! 

Extra-curricular activities do not reflect the School curriculum, but are made available to students to allow them to pursue additional worthwhile activities such as recreational sports, drama, and the like.

All students are permitted to participate in the activities of their choosing, as long as they meet the eligibility requirements. Participation in these activities is a privilege and not a right, and students may be prohibited from all or part of their participation in such activities by authorized school personnel without further notice, hearing and/or appeal rights in accordance with Board Policy 5610.05.

Non-School Sponsored Student Groups

Non school-sponsored student groups may meet in the school building during non-instructional hours. The application for permission to use school facilities can be obtained from the principal. The applicant must verify that the activity is being initiated by students, that attendance is voluntary, that no school staff person is actively involved in the event, that the event will not interfere with school activities, and that non-school persons do not play a regular role in the meeting.  All school rules relating to student conduct and equal opportunity to participate apply to such activities